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University of Lisbon | Faculty of Fine Arts | PhD in Fine-Arts of Lisbon - Multimedia specialization
Sea Grains
Place of identity and memory immersed
in sensorial interactive experiences
In view of the context in which research is presented, it is important and necessary to narrow the dialogues that contemporary art provides, especially in the human dimension, which sea grains emphasizes in (re) telling his narratives immersed in different poetics involved between: imagination and the memory; physical and abstract spaces.
Examples of emotive visual generated by:
1. PoV PRO POVO device; 2. Portable spectrometer;
3. Open Frameworks; 4. Image generated from the Seawifs sensor;
5. Image of the Spectral Classification of the Sea and Implications
for Coast- al Ocean Color Remote made by Remote Sensing
and 6. Photography.
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